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Evaluating the Clinical Impact of Lipomac™: Insights into Bioavailability

Objective: To compare the bioavailability of Lipomac™ —our Liposomal Vitamin C formulation—against a non-liposomal Vitamin C supplement in healthy adult volunteers.

Study Details:
  • Participants: 12 healthy adults
  • Test Product: Lipomac™ (Liposomal Vitamin C) – 500mg (2 capsules per dose)
  • Reference Product: Non-Liposomal Vitamin C – 500mg (2 capsules per dose)
  • Administration: Oral intake of 500mg (2 capsules) per dose

Results: The study assessed the safety and pharmacokinetic parameters to determine the bioavailability of Lipomac™. Findings revealed that Lipomac™ offers significantly enhanced bioavailability compared to the non-liposomal Vitamin C. Specifically, Lipomac™ demonstrated superior absorption, with bioavailability approximately 2.36 times higher than that of the non-liposomal Vitamin C.

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